Rock Steady

Carson Fisk-Vittori, Sofia Leiby, Spencer Longo, Nicolas Pelzer

14 Mar. – 11 Apr. 2015

install view
Teamwork, 2014, Spencer Longo, Convex mirror, sandblasted text, enamel paint, 18 in (46 cm) ø
Lock Up Your Company, 2014, Spencer Longo, Convex mirror, sandblasted text, enamel paint, 18 in (46 cm) ø
Heads Hands and Feet, 2014, Spencer Longo, Convex mirror, sandblasted text, enamel paint, 18 in (46 cm) ø
Grass, 2014, Spencer Longo, Convex mirror, sandblasted text, enamel paint, 18 in (46 cm) ø
Ghosts, 2014, Spencer Longo, Convex mirror, sandblasted text, enamel paint, 18 in (46 cm) ø
Forgot my lunch, throw me a sandwich, 2015, Sofia Leiby, Acrylic and screenprinting ink on linen, 22 x 18 in (55.8 x 45.7 cm)
Mathania II, 2015, Sofia Leiby, Acrylic and screenprinting ink on linen
30 x 22 in (76.2 x 55.8 cm)
Mathania I, 2015, Sofia Leiby, Acrylic and screenprinting ink on linen, 30 x 22 in (76.2 x 55.8 cm)
Posing Source #4, 2015, Nicolas Pelzer
Digital print on satin, aluminium bar, carabiner, steel wire, 360 x 140 x 10 cm
Posing Source #4, 2015, Nicolas Pelzer
Digital print on satin, aluminium bar, carabiner, steel wire, 360 x 140 x 10 c
install view
install view
install view
Potential Weather Futures, Desert Mist, 2014 Carson Fisk-Vittori, misting tripod, municipal water, glass bottles, found image inkjet prints, ceramic tile floor, steel hardware, Dimensions variable
install view