Botond Keresztesi

*1987, Marosvásárhely, RO, Lives and works in Budapest
Dream About Dreaming, 2018, acrylic & airbrush on canvas, 120 x 120 cm
After a hard day, 2018,
 acrylic & airbrush on canvas, 160 x 120 cm

Danse macabre, 2015, acrylic & airbrush on canvas, 160 x 120 cm
Waiting for the Saturday Night, 2017, acrylic & airbrush on canvas, 120 x 100 cm
Facebook is a lonely thing on mars, 2018, acrylic & airbrush on canvas, 180 x 180 cm
Sleeping Knights, 2018, sleeping bags, paint & rocks, 220 x 80 x 5 cm
The Portrait of the Wizard, 2018, acrylic & airbrush on canvas, 180 x 180 cm